Geoff Emmett
Founding Director
M.Ed.(Research), Dip App Chem., TSTC.
Geoff has worked as a teacher and regional consultant and has held executive and senior management roles in the Victorian and Commonwealth public sectors in education over the past 40 years. His work has been primarily in curriculum and assessment and support for schools and teachers. Geoff was a Founding Director of Valad Solutions when it was established in 2009.
Key capabilities:
• high level project management
• analytical and conceptual thinking
• use of data and evidence to support and facilitate school improvement
• initiating and leading policy reform and development
• presentation and research skills
• building and managing relationships with clients and stakeholders
• report writing.
Recent projects/work:
• school reviews in government schools (peer and priority) and non-government schools including primary and secondary, metropolitan and rural schools
• a study of the targeted use of data for school improvement and the publication of case studies of exemplary practice in five Victorian schools
• principal advisor to the Colman Foundation (and a member of the school council) in the development and implementation of a Birth to Year 9 school and early learning centre, in partnership with the Victorian Government, in Doveton Victoria
• development of a draft VCE Study Design (Extended Investigation) and evaluation of the effectiveness of the assessment design
• evaluation over three years of the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority Industry Themed Curriculum Project.
Prior to establishing Valad Solutions with three colleagues Geoff held senior management positions with the Victorian Institute of Teaching and predecessors to the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority including the Board of Studies and the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Board. He was also seconded for extended periods to provide policy and program advice to three Victorian Ministers of Education.
Geoff has worked on National and International projects including national curriculum initiatives, a major Victorian mental health project and an investigation into the establishment of a VCE school in Indonesia. He has published a range of monographs and articles including a chapter in Teachers as Learners: Critical Discourse on Challenge and Opportunities, (Ed Ora Kwo), Comparative Education Research Centre, The University of Hong Kong, Springer, 2010.